Miscellaneous Nonsense is a sub-mod in Factorization that adds various tweaks & polishes to vanilla Minecraft.
The '/f' client-side commands
Popular /f's include 'now', 'cl', and 'ss'. Run '/f list' for more information.
Improved Projectile Physics
Projectiles now keep the velocity of their thrower, allowing them to conform to Newton's -- well-known and highly publicized -- First Law of Motion. (Implementation of the Third Law is still under construction.)
This applies to snowballs, arrows, splash potions, and enderpearls.
An important consequence of this is that you can survive a fall from a high place by throwing an enderpearl at the right time.
Buffed Nametags Giving a mob a name with a nametag will buff their health.
Time Dilation This is an optional setting that makes the client's tick rate match the server's. It can be enabled in the config file, or by using /f td.
The Zorro Thing