
Posters are much cooler than Item Frames. You can put them on most blocks, including buttons. Posters always fit nicely where you put them.
An item can then be stuck to the poster, and it will cover up the entire poster. Clicking on the poster with a similar item will stretch the poster to be bigger; sneak-clicking will shrink it.
Posters can be also be rotated by using another poster or an LMP. How they are rotated depends on whether you are looking at the poster from the side, or from straight on, and which tool you're using.
Posters are more resistant to removal than item frames; you can take them down with a sneak-punch. Punching a poster will knock out changes made to it before it breaks.
The poster will stay in place even if the block behind it has been removed, in defiance of ordinary physics. Take that, physics!